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Comment by Holger Sindbaek on Adding Apple in-app purchase to Electron...

Did you figure this out?

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Comment by Holger Sindbaek on Implementing in-app purchase in an Electron app...

That looks like a great start. I've looked a bit at NodObjC, but find it really confusing. Generally I find the mix of Objective C and JS really confusing. Can you share your Xcode "app"? I don't fully...

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Comment by Holger Sindbaek on Communicate with in Electron

@psulek I ended up figuring it out. I think I ended up using webview.send() ya. Thanks.

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Comment by Holger Sindbaek on Jest test fails : TypeError: window.matchMedia...

Where do you add this code? If I add it to the top of my testing file, then it still can’t find matchMedia.

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Comment by Holger Sindbaek on Jest test fails : TypeError: window.matchMedia...

How do you import the stub file?

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Comment by Holger Sindbaek on React native: Using a panResponder inside of a...

You still haven't found a solution, have you?

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Comment by Holger Sindbaek on @react-native-firebase/messaging : TypeError:...

What was the solution then @GautamShrivastav?

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Comment by Holger Sindbaek on Is there any way to keep a person authenticated...

Thanks for the guide. Is there any way that this can be accomplished over different domains like domain1.com and domain2.com or does it only work for subdomains?

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How can I track the current number of viewers of an item?

I have an iPhone app, where I want to show how many people are currently viewing an item as such:I'm doing that by running this transaction when people enter a view (Rubymotion code below, but...

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FIRAuthInternalErrorDomain when trying to login with Google

I've setup Google login in my Firebase app (I'm using the new Firebase console), but each time I try with Google, I get the following error:#<NSError:0x11f0625a0, description="An internal error has...

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Consume API with basic authentication using Javascript without exposing key pair

I have a private API, where I'm using basic authentication as my security layer. Right now the API is consumed by my iOS app, so no one is able to see the key pair.I'm creating the same app for the web...

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Error on Firebase Transaction: [Error: Set]

I'm trying to increment the value of "view_amount" from my node app in the background, but it only seems to work half the time when there's a big load on it. The other half, I get this error:[Error:...

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Answer by Holger Sindbaek for Securing RESTful API with Firebase OAuth?

I ended up authentication the users token server-side, like this:https://gist.github.com/holgersindbaek/2cc55efd89517e21fbb52b4e95125003

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What part of a JWT token is unique to the user and doesn't change?

I have an API made in Rails where people can only make a request to it, if they send along a JWT token - https://jwt.io. I'm using Rack::Attack to rate limit people based on IP. Now I also want to rate...

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Node worker crashes with "FIREBASE WARNING"

I have a firebase-worker (https://github.com/firebase/firebase-queue) running on node. I have a big backlog of one particular task that the worker needs to do, but often times the task fails and then...

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Mapping nested array with RestKit/iOS

I need to map a nested array with RestKit and I've almost got it (I think). The JSON I need to map, looks like this[ { _id: "5058670183970a0002000450", app_store_url:...

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Changing Mongoid class name mid-production

Is this even possible?I have a mongoid class named Magazine, with some associations as well, that I would like to re-name to Publication. Problem is that I already have a bunch of users who have...

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How do I split up a large react component?

I'm learning react by programming the cardgame Solitaire. My main component, where I render the game board and the cards, has become very large (700 lines and growing). The big bulk of that is all...

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How can I get the distribution of event values in Google Analytics?

I'm tracking events on my websites and in those events I'm sending along an event value. The event value is how many times a person has done that particular event, so it could be a number from 1 to...

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Answer by Holger Sindbaek for Adding Apple in-app purchase to Electron...

From what I can see on this post, no one has really given a thorough answer.I need to do in app purchases in my Electron app for the Mac App Store. It doesn't seem like anyone has figured out how to do...

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Test Driven Development in iOS... to TDD or not to TDD [closed]

I'm starting to program in iOS and I've been wondering if I should do Test Driven Development.I come from a rails background, where TDD is a way of life for many and where the TDD-tools are great.How...

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Using Apple Pay and Stripe in Apple Testflight

I'm creating an iOS app where I'm using Stripe and Apple Pay and I would like to have the full functionality of Stripe and Apple Pay when I test on external users using Apple's Testflight.I'm not sure...

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Rendering page with HUGE amount of HTML

I'm creating a website that has a huge amount of HTML (many thousands of div elements). There's no real way to get away from having all these div elements and it's making the site load very slow (7-12...

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Answer by Holger Sindbaek for Electron login helper won't work - "Process is...

I ended up signing my application again using Electron's guide - https://github.com/electron/electron/blob/master/docs/tutorial/mac-app-store-submission-guide.md - and now the start at login works.

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Electron login helper won't work - "Process is not in an inherited sandbox"

I'm trying to get my Electron Mac app to start at login, but I can't get it to work. I'm implementing the start at login functionality from Electron's API...

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Implementing in-app purchase in an Electron app for the Mac App Store

I've looked around and it seems like several people are having this issue but no-one seems to have solved it:Adding Apple in-app purchase to Electron HTML/JS...

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Firebase authentication tokens expiration duration

I just upgraded to the new version of Firebase and I can't find where I can set the expiration duration of my Firebase authentication tokens. It used to be under the authentication section in...

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Rake aborted... table 'users' already exists

I have created a database with devise and the nifty generator. I'm trying to make a new database with the nifty generator (rails g nifty:scaffold Asset user_id:integer), but when I try to migrate the...

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Securing RESTful API with Firebase OAuth?

I'm using Firebase in my iOS and web app to handle user authentication. I need to make sure a user is logged in before he can make any requests to my API. How would I accomplish such a thing with...

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Query by key and order by date

I have a database with a lot of "listings" structured as such:I want to get 10 listings, starting or ending at a certain priority value, with a size value (child node) range between 9 and 10.5 and have...

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Getting a "bad interpreter" error when using brew

I'm getting this error when I try to run any brew command.Holger-Sindbaeks-MacBook-Air:~ holgersindbaek$ brew help-bash: /usr/local/bin/brew: /usr/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directoryI...

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Setting default database for MongoDB shell

When I go into the mongo shell in my terminal, it always starts with the database test, which is the wrong database. Can you set mongo to start in a specific database?

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Create winnable "random" solitaire shuffles

I've created a solitaire game for Mac, but people keep complaining that there's not enough "winning" shuffles. People have a win-rate of about 5%-10%, where their usual win-rate is around 50%.Right...

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backgroundImage on UIButton scales wrongly

I'm trying to give my UIButton a new background image when the user pressed the button and then animate the width. Problem is that the button doesn't scale the image (I'm only using retina...

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What is the keycode for Clear and Equal on the Numpad on Mac?

I need to know what the keycode is for the clear and the equal key on the numpad.I've seen different sources explain it, but they all say something different. Can someone give me a definite...

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Heroku deployment of Scala app fails with: Cannot run program "node"

I'm trying to deploy a Scala/Play app to Heroku using sbt, but I keep getting the following error:remote: Downloaded...

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Limit UITableView scroll speed like Instagram does it

I'm trying to limit the scroll speed of my UITableView, exactly like Instagram does it.If you check out Instagram, you'll notice that they have a limit on how fast you can scroll through the feed.It's...

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CABasicAnimation to make NSView flip

I'm making a card game for mac and I'm using a CABasicAnimation to making the card flip around. It's almost working, but it could be a bit better.As it works now, the card flips inwards (to the left) -...

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